The Solution to Slow Broadband in Rural Ireland

Slow Internet: Bane of the Irish

We came across an article in the Independent Ireland Business section about award-winning blogger, Angela Gallagher, and her issues with broadband in rural Ireland. The issues started when her daughter and grandchildren moved to Australia and in an effort to keep in touch with them, her son set her up with a WordPress blog and Skype. She mentions, “That’s when I discovered the nightmare of being in rural Ireland and trying to get good, reliable broadband. The dial-up signal was unbelievably frustrating.”

In many rural areas it’s typical for people to drive to local Wi-Fi hotspots or friends houses to get faster Internet connections. Angela became an IT campaigner when she realized that it was a serious issue for many rural residents. We agree with her – ever Irish community should have access to quality broadband!

Companies like BBNet have worked hard in getting wireless broadband connections in the rural areas of Ireland. But we believe that we could help residents with broadband issues even more! With speed servers in Dublin, it makes sense for us to reach out to rural Ireland in hopes to save people from the pain of slow connections.

Skyping a friend or family member shouldn’t be a nightmare. A few weeks ago we wrote a blog about broadband in rural America. It’s a problem in many areas and we believe Speedify can help people stay connected with better, faster Internet.

Check out this blog we wrote about Skype using Speedify.

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