Mixer Stream Not Working? Fix Connection Related Issues With The Best VPN For Streaming!

Mixer Stream Not Working? Having Connection Issues?

Mixer is a video game live streaming platform owned by Microsoft. According to StreamElements, Mixer had a 149% increase in streaming hours watched in 2019 as compared to 2018. That accounts to 353,777,685 hours to be exact.

What makes Mixer stand out from its competition? It uses a low-latency streaming protocol known as FTL – Faster Than Light. This protocol apparently only creates delays of less than a second between the original broadcast and the time received by users. A typical live streaming delay is around 10-20 seconds. That makes Mixer more fit for real-time interactivity between a streamer and their viewers.

So what can you do to avoid Mixer stream not working issues? First you should check your basic streaming settings if you are a streamer. If Mixer stream still doesn’t work, then we’ll need to investigate further…

Can Upgrading Your Internet Package Resolve the Mixer Stream Not Working Issue?

There are cases when even the most advanced internet plan from your ISP isn’t enough to fix unstable Mixer streams. What internet speed do you need to stream games and keep Mixer from crashing? As per Stream Scheme, the minimum upload speed needed for live-streaming is 1.6 Mbps for the lowest HD resolution and at 30 FPS. For high-resolution HD streams, you will need a minimum of 3-3.5 Mbps.

Let’s assume you have high speed internet available. Everything is nice and dandy, isn’t it? What if I tell you that there are times where the internet can get intermittent too? Imagine this: you got a fast sports car, but the road is bumpy. Not good, right? You need to ensure that your internet is not just fast, but also stable. You can certainly switch to another ISP and most often, if fate is on your side, that should fix unstable Streams. But what if it doesn’t?

Troubleshoot – Mixer Stream Not Working

Unless Mixer has some issues of their own, here are a few suggestions directly from them:

Viewers (watching Mixer streams): 

  • Refresh your page with CTRL + F5.
  • Test a different browser.
  • Double check your plugins/extensions, sometimes these interfere.
  • Try a private or incognito browser to see if this improves performance.

Streamers (broadcasting Mixer streams): 

  • Check dropped frames/CPU usage.
  • Try lower settings and bitrate (keyframe interval should be set to 1).
  • Choose a different ingest, make sure to restart the stream. 
  • Restart modem / router, or talk to your ISP for further assistance.

These are some great suggestions, but what if they don’t solve the issue? This is all that Mixer offers on their page. We have another suggestion – Speedify.

Speedify is a bonding VPN which allows you to bond multiple different connections into one for better speed and reliability.

Speedify Fast Bonding VPN – Fix Connection Related Mixer Issues

Speedify is a bonding VPN application that combines and manages your internet connections. Speedify works on both computers and smartphones, combining any available internet connections at once. This will get you stable internet and can also make it faster!

And that’s not all, Speedify also encrypts your connection so you can be secure while enjoying faster speeds on a stable connection. What more do you need from the internet?

What if you don’t have multiple connections available? Speedify can still fix your network-related Mixer streaming issues by minimizing internet packet loss.

So what are you waiting for? Get Speedify now and enjoy hassle-free Mixer streams!

Download Speedify

Speedify is the only app that combines your wifi, cellular, wired, and even your friend’s phone signals – into one ultra-fast and super secure link that keeps you all connected for the best possible live streaming, video calling, or just posting to your favorite app.


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