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Queer Eye Features Connectify Personal Trainer

Nate from BodyRock Bootcamp Gym Hits the Screens on June 5, 2020

On June 5th, 2020 the newest season of the Netflix hit reboot Queer Eye is dropping, featuring Connectify’s very own personal trainer: Nate of BodyRock Bootcamp Gym! We are more than excited to see The Fab Five work their magic right here in Philadelphia (the birthplace of Connectify) and help to elevate the life of someone who means so much to our company.

For the past six years, Nate has been working his very own magic at Connectify. Once a week, he has been challenging us to become the best versions of ourselves with his expert old school workouts! Connectifiers can be seen sweating it out right here in the office or even on the streets of Philadelphia. He is a proponent of the ‘Challenge by Choice’ philosophy, which works to include all members of the office at their various fitness levels. Here is a snippet of one of his classes:

Connectify Staying in Shape During Covid-19

Even with the online transition our office has undergone following Covid-19, Nate has still been working to ensure that no Connectify employee is hit with the ‘quarantine 15’. Our office has taken to doing virtual bootcamps twice a week via Zoom (of course, Speedify running in the background). We are all so excited to see him be featured on Queer Eye. To get in touch with Nate, email him at We all love Nate’s workouts, words of wisdom to make sure we stay in shape, and sane. Thank you for all you do, Nate.

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