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iHeartRadio disconnects? Fix Streaming Problems & Time Outs

Having Trouble Streaming iHeartRadio?

iHeartRadio is an amazing app for listening to live radio and discovering new music. But, for many users frequent timeouts, disruptions, and disconnects put a major damper on the listening experience. It can be remarkably frustrating when all you want to do is relax and listen to some tunes, but the music keeps randomly pausing or timing out. If you’re having trouble with iHeartRadio losing connection, you’re not alone – and luckily for you, there is a simple fix for these common streaming problems.

Why does iHeartRadio keep disconnecting?

More often than not iHeartRadio loses connection because there is an issue with your Internet connection. It might be that your internet connection is too slow and doesn’t have enough bandwidth for streaming audio, or that the connection is flaky and experiencing excessive “packets loss.” What’s worse, is that both of these issues are often amplified when you are on the move since mobile devices can not easily transition between different Wi-Fi networks or cell towers without interrupting apps and disrupting downloads.

Regardless of the root cause, by default mobile devices are designed to only use one internet connection at a time, despite the fact that they are often connected to both wifi and cellular data. But, what if you could use BOTH connections for their combined speed and reliability?

Speedify can help fix iHeartRadio disconnects and stop time outs

Speedify is a secure no-log VPN service that changes the way your mobile device connects to the Internet. Instead of just using one connection, Speedify allows your device to connect to the internet over both Wi-Fi and mobile data at the same time. This instantly increases your bandwidth and provides a better listening experience without iHeartRadio losing connection constantly.

Speedify also monitors the quality of your internet connections. When it detects that a signal is weak or that the network is too slow, it will automatically and seamlessly reroute the data through the other working connection. Best of all, when the other connection is back online and reliable, it begins using it again – automatically and in the background. Say goodbye to iHeartRadio disconnects!

Additional Benefits of Speedify

In addition to delivering a faster Internet experience to your mobile device, Speedify uses cutting-edge technology to quickly encrypt all the data sent to and from your device. Speedify keeps you safe from compromised Wi-Fi networks, snooping ISPs, and other threats and was designed to have zero impact on your devices battery life. It is also smart enough to try and send as much data as possible through Wi-Fi instead of over more expensive mobile data connections – saving you from potential overage fees from your carrier!

SOLVED: iHeartRadio loses connection

When you use Speedify, not only are you are getting a better listening experience with iHeartRadio, but the best speed, security, and reliability possible on your mobile device.

Download Speedify

Speedify is the only app that combines your wifi, cellular, wired, and even your friend’s phone signals – into one ultra-fast and super secure link that keeps you all connected for the best possible live streaming, video calling, or just posting to your favorite app.

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