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How to Speed Up DSL

Wish you had faster DSL service?

When signing up for DSL service, you typically have to option to select from different tiers of service which dictate the speed or bandwidth of your Internet connection. If you have a low bandwidth allowance you might experience slow load times for websites, especially those with many pictures and videos. Low bandwidth can also affect download and upload speeds. In many cases, upgrading to a faster line can cost a lot of money, way more than you may be willing to pay.

Our Speedify Desktop app allows you to combine multiple Internet connections into one better, faster connection. So, even if you’re stuck with a slow DSL line at home, here are a couple of things you could do to speed up your Internet connection:

  1. Two DSL lines: You could call your DSL provider and see how much it would cost to add a second line. A lot of times, adding a second line costs an additional $20/month. This is usually cheaper than upgrading to a faster line. Speedify will combine the two lines, potentially doubling your usual 5 or 10Mbps speeds. This is especially helpful when there’s multiple people in a household using the Internet.
  2. Tether your smartphone: Many newer smartphone models can function as a personal Wi-Fi hotspot or be connected to your computer to “tether” the Cellular data connection. In this case, Speedify would combine your home DSL and the Cellular data connection from your phone for better performance on your PC or Laptop. Here are quick and easy guides for iPhones and Android devices from our friends at HowToGeek.
  3. Ask a neighbor: Ask your neighbor if you can share passwords and join their Wi-Fi network. Then, make sure your PC is plugged into your DSL/Ethernet connection and join their hotspot. Speedify will bond the two connections for a faster, more reliable Internet experience. You could even run Connectify Hotspot and share your bonded Speedify connection with other wireless devices!
Do you live in a rural area with slow broadband speeds? HERE we talk about the solution to slow broadband in rural Ireland and HERE we give you steps to get started with Speedify.

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Speedify is the only app that combines your wifi, cellular, wired, and even your friend’s phone signals – into one ultra-fast and super secure link that keeps you all connected for the best possible live streaming, video calling, or just posting to your favorite app.

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