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KRACK WPA2 Security Flaw for WiFi Networks: What to Do

How to Fix the WPA2 Security KRACK Hack and Use Any WiFi Hotspot

Several hours ago, ArsTechnica disclosed a severe flaw in WPA2 protocol that leaves Wi-Fi traffic open to eavesdropping. By using the KRACK method (Key Reinstallation Attacks), a hacker could snoop in on your web activity and get data such as the websites you visited, credit card numbers, passwords, chat messages, emails, photos, and so on.

Belgian researcher Mathy Vanhoef, who discovered this flaw, states on the KRACK attacks website that if your device supports Wi-Fi, it is most likely affected. He discovered that Android, Linux, Apple, Windows, OpenBSD, MediaTek, Linksys, and others, are all affected by some variant of the attacks. For more information about specific products, you can consult the database of CERT/CC, or contact your vendor.

So, pending a fix for the operating systems and from the device manufacturers, you should use a fast VPN to completely eliminate the risk of being snooped on.

Speedify – Fast VPN, Completely Immune to KRACK WPA2 Security Attacks

After this got published, we did our testing round again, just to be sure. And it proved to be right – Speedify is a fast VPN service 100% immune to man-in-the-middle type attacks such as KRACK. So, using Speedify will protect you against any eavesdropping activities, be it to get your social media account passwords, credit card numbers or anything else.

Speedify uses a fast encryption cipher based on the ChaCha algorithm that provides real military grade security for your online traffic, so that you can have peace of mind when surfing the web, even on non-protected public WiFi networks.

3 Tips to Stay Safe on WiFi Networks with WPA2 Security

Even though you can be 100% safe from the KRACK type WPA2 security flaw using Speedify, here are some things that you should keep in mind when accessing the Internet using WiFi networks. After all, it’s better to prevent than to be sorry afterwards!

  1. Watch out for that lock icon in the address bar of your browser, especially when making payments online, logging in to your social media accounts, etc. When a website encrypts the traffic between them and you, a lock icon should appear in any browser’s address bar. That certifies that you’re safe and the data you send to them is protected from any outside snoop. Mathy outlined this in his video as well when running the KRACK attack,
  2. Update your operating system and home router firmware. Microsoft has already released a patch to fix the WPA2 security vulnerability and others will follow for sure, including hardware device manufacturers.
  3. Use 2 step verification (multi authentication), where available. Most of the Internet service providers (Google, Facebook, etc.) already include this feature. Don’t forget to enroll your credit card into one of the online protection services, such as Verified by VISA or MasterCard SecureCode.

Speedify – the VPN for Security, Speed and Reliability

Speedify is a next generation mobile VPN built for mobility that uses fast encryption technologies to secure your online traffic. Speedify can also can use multiple connection at the same time, increasing the Internet speed and, at the same time, making it more reliable – if one connection should drop, Speedify intelligently routes the traffic to the other one, without skipping a beat!

Whether traveling, at home or at the office, Speedify will definitely protect you 100% against cyber hackers. But other VPNs may do that as well, right? The difference is that the other VPNs will also slow down the Internet, as all data passes through their servers first before going to or from its final destination.

Speedify doesn’t slow down your online speed, as it uses a proprietary encryption algorithm based on the ChaCha fast cipher that is fast and secure, to make sure you don’t compromise speed for security.

Plus – very important in today’s world – Speedify doesn’t log any data regarding your online activity, as other VPNs (or even your own ISP) might do, in order to sell your browsing data to marketing agencies – ever wondered how come “the ads” know you’ve been looking at something in particular?

Fix the WPA2 security flaw the easy way and connect to any WiFi network safely. Speedify provides the speed, security and reliability you need to be 100% immune to KRACK type attacks. Get started with Speedify now – no strings attached, no email sign-up necessary!

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Speedify is the only app that combines your wifi, cellular, wired, and even your friend’s phone signals – into one ultra-fast and super secure link that keeps you all connected for the best possible live streaming, video calling, or just posting to your favorite app.

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