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Solved: Looking for VPN Bonding Solutions for Internet Connections

How to Choose and Set Up VPN Bonding on Your Computer or Mobile Device

If you’re reading this article, you’re probably looking to get better Internet: more bandwidth (depending on your needs), failover protection (so you won’t be disconnected when one of the connections drops), and a secure connection. VPN bonding is the solution but even with this, there are multiple architectures that can be used.

VPN bonding requirements assume you have access to at least two Internet connections you want to combine: WiFi, 4G / LTE, tethered phone, DSL, Cable, Satellite, etc.

Read below to find out more about Speedify, the most effective VPN bonding solution – whether you are seeking performance or value for money.

VPN Bonding or Load Balancing: Which is Better?

When you have access to multiple Internet connections and are looking to get more speed and reliability, you can choose between two main technologies: VPN bonding or load balancing.

A load balancer runs locally on your device and divides sockets (!) amongst multiple Internet connections to increase overall performance. While this is a good approach for common Internet activities that work on multiple network sockets (web browsing, BitTorrenting, etc.), load balancers cannot speed up video streaming or single-file uploads/downloads. Furthermore, they don’t offer a secure connection, unless being used in conjunction with a separate VPN solution.

VPN bonding goes further than load balancing, by spreading packets – instead of whole sockets – between multiple Internet connections. This means that a VPN bonding solution can do all that a load balancer can do – and more! It provides a faster, more reliable and secure connection for all your Internet activities, from browsing and torrenting to streaming and large file transfers.

Load Balancing
Channel Bonding (Speedify)
Web Browsing
Download Large File
Streaming Movie

VPN Bonding Done Right: Choose the Software-Only Solution

As mentioned above, VPN bonding technology is not restricted to a single implementation architecture. You can choose between a mixed hardware-software solution from companies like Peplink and Mushroom Networks or select the software-only implementation by Speedify.

Many people choose VPN bonding solutions that include dedicated bonding hardware pieces, such as bonding routers or multi-wan networking devices. If you’re planning to adopt a hardware-software solution, here are some things you should take into account:

  • Flexibility – Assuming you plan the solution for your current setup – will this solution still be usable if you change something in your current setup?
  • Scalability – Hardware gets old quickly. Does the solution include free or at least discounted upgrades for hardware?
  • Performance – You will be limited to the performance of your bonding hardware. You may have smartphones or computers that support more, but it won’t make any difference.
  • Cost of implementation – Hardware adds a cost to the final solution.

On the other hand, if you choose a software-only VPN bonding solution like Speedify, the advantages are clear: the only limitations you’ll have are related to the devices you’re using and the speeds of the Internet connections you’re planning to combine. There are no flexibility or scalability issues. When it comes to cost, Speedify is only a fraction the price of mixed hardware-software solutions!

Speedify Fast VPN Bonding Service – Do-It-Yourself Best Performance

Speedify’s unique channel bonding technology lets you spread your Internet traffic across the available connections on all of your devices (Mac, PC, iOS, and Android), using our worldwide network of cloud-based servers. With Speedify, you’ll enjoy faster and more reliable Internet using all available WiFi, 3G or 4G, DSL and other wired connections to speed up video streaming, large file transfers, and more.

Most channel bonding solutions aren’t intelligent; they blindly pass packets over each network connection in a “round robin” fashion, like dealing cards in a card game. This approach is only beneficial when you have connections that are identical in performance, like two matched DSL lines.

Using the round robin channel bonding approach with connections of varying capabilities limits the maximum possible combined performance drastically. However, Speedify’s smart channel bonding technology is capable of detecting the capabilities of each network connection and intelligently distributing the traffic so that you can maximize all connections up to 95% efficiency of their combined throughput.

How to Setup the Speedify VPN Bonding Solution

Speedify can be used on computers and mobile devices that run Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS and Android. Just download Speedify for your device and install it. After that, it’s as easy as 1, 2, 3 to combine multiple Internet connections.

We also have a fully customizable VPN bonding solution, with dedicated servers and multiple seats that can be managed from a single admin interface – Speedify for Teams.

Download Speedify

Speedify is the only app that combines your wifi, cellular, wired, and even your friend’s phone signals – into one ultra-fast and super secure link that keeps you all connected for the best possible live streaming, video calling, or just posting to your favorite app.

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