How To Combine Ethernet And 3G or 4G Phone Connections

Setting up your Mac or PC to use a 3G or 4G mobile broadband card and Ethernet at the same time is a very simple task. In fact, any computer running Windows 7+ or Mac OS X can connect to any combination of available Internet connections. In most cases, setting up multiple Internet connections on your computer doesn’t even require … Read More

Better Than A Load Balancer

Channel Bonding > Load BalancingIf you have multiple Internet connections, and you’re looking for ways to combine them to increase speed and reliability, you can choose between load balancing or channel bonding software. A load balancer runs locally on your PC and spreads sockets amongst multiple Internet connections to increase overall performance. The big caveat here though is that applications need … Read More

How Neighbors Double Their Internet Speed

When we first started talking about our vision for Speedify, we imagined a scenario where neighbors could share bandwidth the same way that they might borrow a bit of milk or a pinch of sugar from one another. The “nearby neighbor” use-case would be a game-changer for folks in areas where DSL and other low-bandwidth Internet services are the only … Read More

How To Combine Ethernet And Tethered Phone Connections

Setting up your Mac or PC to use a tethered phone and Ethernet at the same time is a very simple task. In fact, any computer running Windows 7+ or Mac OS X can connect to any combination of available Internet connections. In most cases, setting up multiple Internet connections on your computer doesn’t even require any extra hardware. If … Read More

Comparing Channel Bonding Solutions

Unless you’re an IT professional, you may not be familiar with the term channel bonding. In a nutshell, a traditional channel bonding router is a hardware router that can connect to multiple wired Internet connections at once, and leverage their combined bandwidth for a faster and more reliable experience. The trouble is, channel bonding routers are made with networking pros in … Read More

How To Combine Tethered Phone And 3G or 4G Connections

Use multiple internet connections at the same timeSetting up your Mac or PC to use a 3G or 4G mobile broadband card and tethered phone connections at the same time is a very simple task. In fact, any computer running Windows 7+ or Mac OS X can connect to any combination of available Internet connections. In most cases, setting up … Read More